Our recent project, where we received a number of office – lounge chairs were successfully donated to help the operations of Support Ontario Youth.

“Support Ontario Youth’s mission is to support apprentices, employers, and all stakeholders in the skilled trades industry by streamlining and simplifying the apprenticeship journey. Our goal is to modernize the apprenticeship pathway by becoming a complete and transparent resource for those looking to enter the skills trade.” – https://www.supportontarioyouth.ca/

International Wonder/Past projects

Waste2wonder has delivered on our promise, making a difference to hundreds of Peruvian children! Our clients have made this possible! Follow our journey, from the site of the removal, across the ocean to the school high up in the Andes Mountains.

Realizing the potential of the sturdily constructed desks (considered end-of-life by North American standards), waste2wonder packaged a “School in a Box” for the mountain community of Chilca, in the Huancayo province of Peru. The need is significant in this region. Our shipment comprised of two 40ft containers, loaded with nearly 30,000lbs of repurposed office furniture and supplies. We turned to industry leaders for the final touches to our “School in a Box,” partnering with The Global Group to provide stackable chairs and asking our business partner Grand & Toy to provide school supplies.

The Real Reward:

A thank you ceremony was held at the school, where the students, and the Mayor of Chilca, gathered to show their appreciation with a traditional Peruvian dance and speeches celebrating

We at waste2wonder see waste as ‘the failure to take advantage of an opportunity’, like this one. With the diversion from landfill, distribution to local charities and non-profits, and projects like the one in Peru, we collectively push for social and environmental change, empowering those who need it to create a sustainable future. Together we can do more!